Expat Solutions International

Great choice! Let’s get your cover started.


If you require assistance,
please email our support team at:

Email: info@talent-trust.com
Skype: ttc.insurance
Phone, WhatsApp: +60 (11) 1051 2677
Working hours:
Monday to Friday 10am – 6pm, GMT +8

Or enter your Email/WhatsApp and we'll get back to you:

If you have questions, please email us, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


jQuery( document ).ready( function($){ var paymentMethod = Marionette.Object.extend({initialize: function() { // Listen to the value change for Checkbox List fields. this.listenTo( Backbone.Radio.channel( 'listradio' ), 'change:modelValue', this.onChangeModelValue ); },onChangeModelValue: function( fieldModel ) { // Use the field key to check for a specific field. // The field key can be set/checked in the field's settings (under the Administration section). if( 'how_would_you_like_to_pay_1643246565578' !== fieldModel.get( 'key' ) ) returnlet fieldModelValue = fieldModel.get( 'value' ), submitButton = $('.submit-container input'), defaultValue = 'Submit', // default value newValue = 'Proceed with Payment' // Change to this valueif ( fieldModelValue === 'Credit Card' ) {$( submitButton ).val( newValue ).trigger( 'change' )}else {$( submitButton ).val( defaultValue ).trigger( 'change' ) } }})new paymentMethod() })