2021 Alpha Policy Changes

Changes will take effect for all policies renewing on or after May 1st 2021


Premium reduction of 3.75%

New Benefits

Alpha 2020

Alpha 2021

1Vaccination BenefitN/AUp to $250 applicable for vaccinations including COVID19

Improved Benefits

Alpha 2020

Alpha 2021

1Hospice Care$50 per day up to a maximum of 10 daysAll costs in the first 30 days
2Physiotherapy and Occupational TherapySpecialist to review after 10 sessionsSpecialist to review after 20 sessions
3Alternative Treatment10 sessions per medical condition20 sessions per medical condition
4Well Child Care$400 with 50% co-insurance$400 with 20% co-insurance
5Wellness Benefit$400 with 50% co-insurance$400 with 20% co-insurance

Cheaper Option

Alpha 2020

Alpha 2021

1Travel Option price reductionWas $137 / person / yearNow $30 / person / year